Randel McGee - Solo Storyteller and Guest Author!

Randel McGee is an engaging and entertaining storyteller, guest author, and speaker! He specializes in folk tales, Scripture-based stories and tales of motivation and inspiration from around the world. He brings to his stories and speeches humor and humility, power and passion, insights and inspiration!
His “Story-cutter” series of stories incorporate paper cut illustrations and crafts to go along with his tales.
As the author of 16 books for children (with more on the way!) he can share fun insights on how books are created and published.
He is a popular speaker for school, community, social, and church events.
Our school performances comply with State Standards for ELA/Literacy, Science, History, and Visual & Performing Arts!
Titles include:
Earthquake Tales: Stories that ROCK your World!
Earthquake Tales is an engaging examination of the science of earthquakes that includes personal experiences, a Native Californian legend, local geology, and behind the scenes stories of the scientists who founded the studies of plate tectonics and seismology. It is presented as a multi-media program. Randel tells the stories in a lively way, illustrating the stories with slide shows and hand-made pictures. The presentation is approximately 35 minutes long with a 10 minute Question & Answer session immediately after.
This is a great addition to S.T.E.M. based programming!
Target Audience:
Though earth sciences are particularly a part of 6th grade curriculum, this program is appropriate for students from 3rd through 7th grade. It meets Curriculum Standards for Earth Sciences, Social Studies, and Literature.
The Story-Cutter:
How to Trick a Troll
This is a lively collection of folk-tales from around the world with wicked trolls being outdone by clever heroes and heroines. Amazing illustrations from the story are cut from paper before the audience while the story is told.
Target audience: grades K – 6
Author Visits
Randel’s beautifully illustrated book based on a true story,
ZHANG HENG and the Incredible Earthquake Detector,
was awarded The Best STEM* Book by the NTSA** AND Storytelling World Resource Award
for 2023!
*(Science, Technology,Engineering, & Math) **(National Teachers of Science Association)
He can share live author visits to tell how he came to write the story and illustrate it with a Power Point presentation and actual pieces from the book!
Here is a brief video sample:
Randel’s enthusiasm for sharing arts and crafts with others is infectious.His series of books of paper crafts for the holidays and fun projects for the 4 seasons are in libraries all around the world. He shares about how he became an author, how to make and publish a book and can demonstrate some of the fun projects from his books.
Target audience: grades 3 – 6