Hans Christian Andersen: The World's Storyteller
The world beloved storyteller Hans Christian Andersen lives again in Randel’s portrayal and performances! Shared with audiences of all ages around the globe!
Now audiences around the world can have the experience of hearing Andersen’s lively tales, told as he would tell them: with humorous comments, lively actions, different voices, and amazing cut paper designs – made as the stories unfold. Randel McGee portrays Andersen in period costume and with a slight Danish accent.
[youtube_sc url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijACw0GrOM0″ modestbranding=”1″ autohide=”1″ fs=”1″]
The stories take on a life of their own!
Children and adults laugh for days afterwards!
Complies with State Public School Education Standards for
History, Literature, and Performing Arts!
Programs are available for grades K – 12!
Virtual Performances are available!
Story sets generally have a unifying theme. Some of the more popular stories include:
The Ugly Duckling, The Emperor’s New Clothes, The Swineherd, The Princess on the Pea, Silly Hans, The Nightingale, The Most Amazing Thing!, It’s Perfectly True!, The Little Mermaid, and many more…
Visit us on Facebook!
“The Apple Seed: Stories and Tellers” is a radio program featured by BYU Radio. Hear Randel explain why he chose to portray H.C. Andersen and then listen to some of his stories!
Hans Christian Andersen Radio Program
What people are saying about H.C.’s appearances:
“Randel McGee, you did the best and finest H.C. Andersen I have seen and heard, and I have seen and heard many in the last fifty years, here in Odense (Denmark).”
Lasse Jørgensen
“Your performance as Hans Christian Andersen was superb. It was truly inspiring to see how you held everyone’s attention through the power of the words, and your own special magic as a teller. You showed us that the art of storytelling is alive and thriving! It’s a tribute to your skills that even the young preschoolers were so attentive and responsive … The papercutting was unique and an extra-special surprise! We look forward to your next wonderful performance! ”
Laurie Peck, Children’s Librarian, City of Mountain View Public Library *
“We all enjoyed ALL of your performances… You were outstanding in every way…All of the comments I have received were rave reviews!”
Carol Kemp, Board of Directors for the Scandinavian Cultural Center – Pacific Lutheran Univ. – Tacoma, WA *
“It was a wonderful program and I am most grateful to you for coming to the Museum. Everybody was very enthusiastic… I think your way of easing into each story was great. It made it fun and exciting. I think you do a wonderful job of telling the stories.” Marianne Forssblad, Director Nordic Heritage Museum Seattle, WA *
“I have to let you know that your performance was thoroughly enjoyed. My students just loved your spontaneous, natural style and easy way you worked with the audience and with the paper cuttings… This was early in the quarter for the students and so they had little experience hearing storytellers at that point, so they were so pleased to be so well entertained and find that storytelling wasn’t something just for kids.
Rosemary S. Vohs Woodring College of Education, Western Washington University *
“Everyone really enjoyed your stories… as Hans Christian Andersen. You were amazing, able to do the scissor-cut pictures with the stories…”
Tim Sutphin Coordinator for the Colonial Williamsburg, VA Storytelling Festival *
Everyone is raving about your presentation, including the Library Director.
Lucrèce Louisdhon-Louinis, Assistant Director,Miami-Dade Public Library System